How to Write a GREAT Resume | Fall Recruitment Tips & Tricks

 So I heard you’re an aspiring girl-boss eh? (Can you tell we’re Canadian)?

NEWSFLASH! All girl-bosses, and go-getters in general, need a great resume!

You have to sell yourself, but how exactly do you do that? need to start by writing a resume that is able to convey your skills, accomplishments and experiences.

A great resume is able to differentiate YOU from the next candidate. Your goal should always be to show how you are different from the rest, because it is definitely harder to replace someone who isn’t cookie-cutter.

When writing your resume, keep a few things in mind.

First off, chronology.

This is a simple way to increase understandability for the reader. List all you achievements, experiences, and extra-curricular activities in chronological order. The most recent items should be at the top of each section, while older experiences will be listed near the bottom.

Next, be picky!

You were always told as a child to not pick and choose. But as an adult, being picky on your resume is a great skill to have! You don’t want to include absolutely everything that you have ever done from the time you were 5 years old. Only include what is relevant.

This means, include experiences in which you made a substantial impact! If you are trying to find space to fit in both the experiences of being a general member of the fashion club and being a treasurer of your local environmental advocacy group, don’t! Pick one or the other! This is because as a general member you attended events. However, as a treasurer, you made active choices in the group that impacted the end-result and success of your team. Pick experiences that relate directly to the job in which you are applying for. It will show that you’re a critical thinker with the right skills for the position.

Now that you have your experiences chosen, you want to explain them in a way that is both concise and meaningful. In this case, use the STAR METHOD: 

  1. S - Situation. This is where you would state your position or situation in which you were involved in the experience. 
  2. T - Task. What were your primary responsibilities in this role?
  3. A - Action. What significant actions did you take to increase success in your role and for your team?
  4. R - Result. What was the result of your actions?

For example, instead of writing…

“Treasurer for Environmental Advocacy Group”

Try saying…. 

“Treasurer for Environmental Advocacy Group in which I handled funds upwards of $10000 and budgeted spending on a weekly basis. This resulted in average inflows of $200 per event which was directly donated to _______ charity, donating a total of $4000 during my term.”

A little bit more impressive, and a whole lot more impactful way of writing!

Notice how I used numbers in that last example? That was on purpose.

It is easier to follow and creates a greater impression in the mind of the reader. When you use numbers, where applicable, in your resume you are able to show that there is data to back up your claims. Your impact suddenly becomes measurable! Employers look for those who can not only talk the talk, but more importantly, walk the walk.

Finally, get someone to check it over! How many times have we said something that makes complete sense to us but seems like gibberish to other people? The same goes for your resume. Make sure you get someone who is able to provide constructive feedback on your resume and will check for understandability and relatability. Don’t be discouraged if there are things to change. No one gets a perfect resume right off the bat. Think critically about what you are submitting and don’t be afraid to change points and whole sections to improve.

Well there you go #girlboss, you are ready to take on the world one resume at a time! Best of luck (although you won’t need it)!

Once you get the interview, be sure to rent out an office look for the day of!

Own the Moment!

- The Reheart Team


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